Be the Lorelai to my Rory

In an ideal episode of Gilmore Girls, Lorelai and Rory are seen drinking coffee. They drink coffee in the beginning, and they drink coffee in the end. Coffee is a part of them. Just like coffee is a part of us as college students. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have…

All I want for Christmas is all things coffee related…

If you drink coffee as much as I do, then receiving coffee cups as gifts is one of the best things! Buying coffee cups for yourself is also one of the best things! Coffee cups can have meaning, humor, cute designs, favorite superheroes, etc. All of the things. Now that Christmas is around the corner,…

She’ll be coming ‘Round the Mountain when she comes!

Hello coffee lovers! This blog post is going to be remotely different than usual because it’s a coffee shop spotlight featuring Round Mountain Coffee. Round Mountain is a new coffee shop in Conway, AR that opened this fall and it’s a must visit! I went a few weeks ago and ordered a Honey Latte and…

Picking the One.

Just imagine this: you walk into a coffee shop, and unless you already know what you’re going to order (which rarely happens), you look at their menu. I think it is safe to say that most coffee shops will have a cappuccino, latte, macchiato, and frappuccino already on their menu or some variations of that….

For the love of coffee

When I was younger, just a teenage girl in high school, Starbucks was the place to go and get coffee and just hangout. That was a time when frappuccino’s were the drink of choice (not vanilla bean) and drinking coffee on the reg was not a thing for me. I didn’t have to have coffee…

About Me!

Hello coffee lovers! I’m so excited to share with you about all things related to coffee, and all the cute coffee shops located in Central Arkansas! Allow me to introduce myself: I am Lauren Gilbert, and I’m a student at the University of Central Arkansas. I am majoring in Public Relations and minoring in English, which…